Next In-Person Event: TBD

SEA Conference = "Game Changer"
Two days jam packed with engaging activities focused on making a living as a professional creative. From large keynote sessions to hands-on learning opportunities to one-on-one mentoring, you'll be exposed to an arts business eco system you won't find anywhere else. Whether you're looking to explore making a living with your creative talents or wanting to expand your current pursuits, you'll leave better equipped to continue on your journey. To learn more, watch the video below.
Taylor McDarison
Arttaysia, LLC - Owner
2017 & 18 Attendee from:
University Wisconsin - Whitewater
"The entire thing as a whole was overwhelming in such a positive way. It was a resource of everything I felt my education was lacking on how to actually lay steps to my end goal. It was all the information I was wandering through a maze for, clawing my way at walls, that was just handed to me on a platter!"
Conference Details:
2023-24 Programming Announcement Coming Soon. Access a PDF of the SEA Chicago 2022 Program HERE. You can also view February 2020 program here .

"Participating in the SEA Pitch competition was truly an amazing experience and opportunity. The amount of support I received from the SEA judges and staff was inspiring and the conference provided me with ideas and connections that I have applied to my entrepreneurial endeavors."

"SEA was fun from the moment that I heard about it – Day One! I love learning from my fellow panelists and my students. At the conference, I am taking lots of notes! In SEA, I have found a generous community, a nice family consisting of just good people."

"SEA challenged me to reach out to others beyond theater – to schools, public speaking, and to advocacy with groups like Little People of America. I got to go twice! It’s an amazing opportunity and more people should know about it. I never thought I’d make my own business, but I am! You can too!"

“At the SEA conference, I learned a lot about how to be a pro in the artistic world. In addition to the information that I received, I had so much fun. The drum circle and art room were so rewarding. I still have some of the art on my wall now. Go! You well get so much more than you can imagine now.”

"For me it has always been a great experience every time! I love the mood of this conference, everyone just excited to be there, so inspiring"

“SEA’s conference is a necessary event for young artists to surround themselves with like minded people. People who can understand and nurture them on their own life’s journey. Attendees receive a full spectrum of panelists and presenters, from technical “how to” panels and coaching, to motivational speakers. I would present every year if SEA would have me! It’s a wonderful forum.”