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Here, you'll find links to many non-profit and commercial resources. Many of the links were recommended by SEA presenters over the years. As with all resources on this site, use at your own risk. By using these links, you agree to hold SEA, and our affiliates, harmless for the information presented or omitted. 

Accounting & Taxes
Agents for Writers
Arts Associations / Societies
Artist Statements, Resumes, & CVs


Arts & Craft Fairs


Art Organizations & Directories
Business / General:
College/Career Resources for High School Students
The pandemic has clearly altered some of the information in the short-term, however there is still a lot of useful information on the sites and articles listed below.
Film Festivals


Foundations & Grants​
Galleries, Dealers & Agents​


Health Resources


Legal Resources
Marketing, PR & Sales


Media Arts Resources


Music  Resources
Pricing Resources​
Self-Publishing & Publishing


Theater Resources


Visual Art Resources
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