In addition to overseeing the SEA program, I get the opportunity to work with my alma matter's Enactus Team. Enactus is an international organization comprised of students on college campuses across the world. Their motto is "ENTrepreneurial ACTion for Others Creates a Better World For US All." Our team's projects range from a coffee business where we work directly with Guatemalan Farmers to mentoring local high school students about entrepreneurship.
What is unique about this organization is it attracts students from all majors but the majority do tend to be students from the business fields. At a recent meeting, we were going around the table introducing ourselves. Students were sharing their year in school, major(s), minor(s), and the projects they were involved in. As we made our way around the table, student responses included finance, marketing, accounting, anthropology, and entrepreneurship. Next up was a new student to the group. She added, "I'm just a theater major."
As creatives, it is important to be confident and proud of our majors. A theater major is no less valuable than any of the other majors around that table. Our Enactus team (and world) needs majors of all types. We all bring our unique perspectives and talents to projects and life.
I would argue that in today's culture where there is still the perception of the "starving artist," that it takes guts to follow your creative passion and major in an artistic field. After all, I'm sure there have been people who have doubted, questioned, and even challenged your choice. Talk about resiliency!
And think about what you bring to the table. Maybe it is the ability to present in an engaging manner to a large group of people or add a creative eye to an annual report. Perhaps it is the ability to take your creative process and apply it to a situation to solve a problem. Regardless of the company in the room, don't sell yourself and your skills short.
So, be PROUD! Boldly state that you are a Theater Major! You have skills and gifts that others don't. Say it with confidence and certainly never apologize for following your dreams.
Amy Rogers, SEA Director
(Republished from 2018)