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Alphabetical by Title

Acting: Make it Your Business
By Paul Russell

American Songwriter Magazine

The Angry Filmmaker Survival Guide
By Kelley Baker

A Place to Sit
By Greg Forbes Siegman & C. Rozelle 


Art & Fear
By David Bayles & Ted Orlund


Arts & Numbers

By Elaine Gorgan Luttrull

A financial guide for artists, writers, performers, and other members of the creative class

*Available to check out from the SEA office


Art Fair Source Book
A book rating most art and craft shows around the country. There is a fee for the book.


The Artist’s Guide to Grant Writing
By Gigi Rosenberg


The Artist’s Guide to Public Art: How to Find and Win Commissions
By Lynn Basa

*Available to check out from the SEA office


The Artist’s Way
By Julia Cameron


Art Law Conversations: A Surprisingly
Readable Guide for Visual Artists
By Elizabeth T Russell
Also great for artists in other disciplines!

*Available to check out from the SEA office


Arts Entrepreneurship:  The Business of the Arts
By Joseph S. Roberts, Ph.D. and Clarke A. Greene

*Available to check out from the SEA office


ART-WRITE:  The Writing Guide for Visual Artists

By Vicki Krohn Amorose

Crafting effective artist statements and promotional materials

*Available to check out from the SEA office


the Barefoot Spirit
By Michael Houlihan & Bonnie Harvey

How Hardship, Hustle, and Heart Built America's #1 Wine Brand

*Available to check out from the SEA office


Brand Builder Workbook
By Pamela L. Mickelson

*Available to check out from the SEA office


The Business of Being an Artist
By Daniel Grant

*Available to check out from the SEA office


The Business of Studio Photography
By Edward R. Lilley


2009 Children’s Writers & Illustrators Market
By Writers Digest


Coaching the Artist Within
By Eric Maisel

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Grant Writing
By Waddy Thompson


The Creative Habit
By: Twyla Tharp


Creative Careers: Making a Living with Your Ideas

By B. Jeffrey Maddoff


Creative Industries
By Richard E. Caves

Contracts between art and commerce

*Available to check out from the SEA office


By Matthew Fox


Creative Screenwriting Magazine

Designing a Digital Portfolio
By Cynthia L. Baron 2004


The Diamond In Your Pocket
By: Ganga-Ji


Dictionary for Artists, Performers, Managers & Entrepreneurs
By Chuck Suber
The Arts-Related Vocabulary of Columbia College Chicago

*Available to check out from the SEA office


By Seth Goden


Dramatists Sourcebook
From Theatre Communications Group Listings of contests, grants, and open submissions for new work


Emerge Already! The Ultimate Guide to Career Building for Emerging Artists

By Jade Simmons


Emerging Artist
By Margaret R. Lazzari


The E-Myth Revisited

By Michael Gerber


The Entrepreneurial Spark
By Jose M. Romaguera, PhD

Recognizing Opportunities And Developing Them Into Viable Businesses

*Available to check out from the SEA office


Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting

By Lynn Grabhorn

The Fashion Designer Survival Guide: An Insider’s Look At Starting and Running your own Fashion Business
By Mary Gehlhar


Final Draft
Software for screenwriting and AV scripts​


The First Thirty
By Greg Forbes Siegman & J. Paxson 


The Forest for the Trees
By Betsy Lerner

Get Clients Now

By CJ Hayden


Getting it right in print
By Mark Gatter

​Digital prepress for graphic designers


Getting Things Done
By David Allen


Get Up, Get Out & Get Something
By Jerome Love

How Contrapreneurship Can Help You Build a Booming Business

*Available to check out from the SEA office


Glass Notes: A reference for the glass artist
By H. Halem


Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days
By Jay Conrad Levinson and Al Lautenslager Entrepreneur Press


Guerilla Music Marketing Handbook
By Bob Baker

​How to Be a Better Boss

By Gary Vaughan


How to Run Your Business like a girl
By Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin

Successful strategies from Entrepreneurial Women Who Made It Happen

*Available to check out from the SEA office


How to Survive and Prosper as an Artist
By Caroll Michels

Selling Yourself without Selling Your Soul

*Available to check out from the SEA office


How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci
By Michael J. Gelb
Seven Steps to Genius Every Day

*Available to check out from the SEA office


Live TV
By Tony Verna


Made to Stick
By Chip Heath


Mixing with your mind
By Michael Paul Stavra


Moneymaking Music
By Jeffrey P. Fisher
Your Complete Guide to Making, Keeping, Protecting and Growing Your Music-Success Fortune

*Available to check out from the SEA office


Music, Money & You
By Greta Pope, Ph.D

...Managing the Business

*Available to check out from the SEA office


The Only Grant Writing Book You’ll Ever Need
By Karth & Fox


Organized For Success
By Stephanie Winston
Top Executives and CEOs Reveal the Organizing Principles That Helped Them Reach the Top

*Available to check out from the SEA office


Performance Anxiety
By Eric Maisel


Personal Village
By Marv Thomas


The Power of Now
By Eckart Tolle

The Practical Handbook for the


Power Up with PR
By Jackie Abramian
A publicity guide for Artists

*Available to check out from the SEA office


The Purple Cow: Transform your business by being remarkable
By Godin Seth 2003

Producing Theatre

By Donald C. Farber
A must read for composers and playwrights on the legal and financial ins and outs of producing.


Profiles in Entrepreneurship
Edited by David C. Nelson and James D. Bell
Leaving More than Footprints

*Available to check out from the SEA office


The Real American Dream:
Creating Independence and Running a One-Person Business
by Sally Petersen

*Available to check out from the SEA office


Rebel without a Crew: Or How a 23-Year- Old Filmmaker With $7,000 Became a Hollywood Player

By Robert Rodriguez

Rich Dad, Poor Dad
By Robert KiyosakiTM
A book about finances and cash flow


The Rise of the Creative Class
By Richard Florida
and how it's transforming work, leisure, community and everyday life

*Available to check out from the SEA office


Risk only money

By Jack DeBoer

Success in Business Without risking Family, Friends and Reputation

*Available to check out from the SEA office


The Second City Almanac of Improvisation
By Anne Libera


Self-Promotion for the Creative Person
By Lee Silber


Selling the Scream
By Robert Fishbone

Tips and Steps to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur With YOUR Crazy Idea

*Available to check out from the SEA office


The Self-Publishing Manual: How to Write, Print & Sell Your Own Book

By Dan Poynter

The Silhouette Man
By Greg Forbes Siegman & J. Paxson 


Strategic Marketing Tools for Visual Artists
By Janet Bloch

*Available to check out from the SEA office



By Ron Rubin and Stuart Avery Gold

A Zentrepreneur's Guide - How to Catch and Live Your Dream

*Available to check out from the SEA office


The Successful Artist's Career Guide
By Margaret Peot

Finding Your Way in the Business of Art

*Available to check out from the SEA office


The Superman Syndrome
By Gene N. Landrum, Ph.D

You are what you believe

*Available to check out from the SEA office


Van Gogh Blues
By Eric Maisel


You Can Heal Your Life
By Louise Hay


The War of Art
By Steven Pressfield


A Whole New Mind

By Daniel Pink

Who Owns The Ice House? –
Eight Life-Lessons From an Unlikely Entrepreneur
By Gary Schoeniger


Write from the Heart
By Hal Bennett


Writing Begins with the Breath
By Laraine Herring

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